
Biomass heating, an economical and eco-friendly solution!

What is biomass?
Biomass is an energy source used increasingly in a wide range of sectors, including the agricultural sector (greenhouses, hen houses, grain drying, etc.), the institutional sector (hospitals and municipalities), and the commercial sector, to name but a few.
The popularity of biomass heating is primarily based on its long-term ecological and economic benefits.
It represents a competitive energy source that requires the use of powerful biofuels. Forest biomass and agricultural biomass are two widely used types. Browse the different variants of each type to discover their differences.
Forest biomass
- Wood chips
- Wood pellets
- Bark or shavings
Agricultural biomass
- Straw
- Energy cubes
- Densified agricultural biomass
- Sifting residue
By comparison
Biomass is a highly competitive energy source. Check out its performance and contact a Filgo team member who will be happy to advise you.
1 GJ energy (*including efficiency, without condensation) :
Propane | Light fuel oil | Natural gas | Electricity | Wood chips at 30% humidity |
Wood pellets at 10% humidity |
Agricultural biomass at 10% humidity |
Unit price | $0.40/l | $0.85/l | $0.35/m3 | $0.079/kwh | $120/mrs | $250/mrs | $100/mrs |
GJ price | $18.59/GJ | $26.92/GJ | $11.55/GJ | $21.90/GJ | $8.11/GJ | $15.25/GJ | $7.40/GJ |
Reduction potential through wood chips |
56.4% | 69.9% | 29.8% | 63.0% |

Filgo Advantages
Apart from a safe and dedicated turnkey service, we also offer very competitive prices. You can rest assured that the Filgo team will support you at every stage of your biomass heating process.
Turnkey service
Whether it is for:
- project feasibility analysis
- production of plans and specifications by specialized engineers
- grant applications
- applications for permits required for installation, including environmental and agri-environmental applications
- biomass supply guarantee
- project implementation
- or the operation of the boiler room, our Filgo experts will guide and advise you through each step of the biomass heating system installation process.
Reliable deliveries
With its diverse resources, strong network, and efficient raw materials management, Filgo ensures safe, efficient, and reliable deliveries.
Highly competitive prices
Benefit from financial assistance ranging from 50% to 75% for your project. With the aim of reducing greenhouse gases and the consumption of fossil fuels, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has implemented the Bioenergy Program*. The objective of this program is to support and encourage the development of bioenergy infrastructure and distribution networks in Quebec, such as biomass, by financing conversion projects*.
A team of dedicated biomass specialists
With its range of biomass products, Filgo is the ideal partner for your company’s transition towards sustainability and the environment.
Benefit from Filgo’s expertise in Quebec and its 10 years of experience in the biomass field to evaluate and compare the energy costs of different types of energy adapted to your needs.
In this way, you can optimize your company’s profitability by reducing your heating and processing costs by up to 70% through the use of biomass for hot water and steam production.
Our Achievements
Solidly backed by our expertise, we have successfully engineered the implementation of over 140 operational installations, including 56 heat networks and 52 systems with more than 300 BHP. These achievements represent an impressive installed capacity of 315,000 kWh, equivalent to approximately 350,000 tons of biomass annually. These innovative biomass projects have emerged in recent years, spanning from Quebec to Western Canada and as far as the Northern United States. These achievements, whether institutional, industrial, or agricultural, are testimony to the effectiveness of the systems we have implemented, responding to the specific requirements of each project.
The following are a few specific examples of these achievements in Quebec.
Achievement : 2012
Power strengh : 1 500 kW
Type : Vap HP, 150 psig
Combustible : Clean wood chips (10-15% hum.)
Extraction : Mobile driveable floor
Dusting : MultiCyclone
Achievement : 2015
Power strenght : R&D, 300 kW
Type : Hot water
Combustible : Various
Extraction : Container
Dusting : MultiCyclone. Bag dust collector. 2nd combustion chamber.
Achievement : 2015
Power strenght : 1 750 kW
Type : Vap HP, 125 psig
Combustible : Clean wood chips (10-50 % hum.)
Extraction : Mobile driveable floor
Dusting : MultiCyclone
Achievement : 2015
Power strenght : 1 750 kW
Type : Vap HP, 150 psig
Combustible : Pellets
Extraction : Auger and silo
Dusting : MultiCyclone
Experience Filgo for yourself. Please contact us if you wish to have further information regarding biomass!